
EU commits $3.71 billion to ocean protection and sustainability initiatives in 2024

Efforts target marine pollution, sustainable fisheries and blue economy investments

Education for sustainable development competencies: Cultivating future leaders

Empowering students to contribute to sustainable development and address global challenges

Building sustainable monetary landscapes: A collective approach

Financial systems' pivotal role in climate change conversations

COP28: Zitouni Ould-Dada, deputy director at FAO, highlights the effects of climate change on global food security

Three drivers increase hunger in the world: climate change, conflicts and COVID-19

COP28: Sadhguru, founder of Save Soil calls for global action to save our soil

For the first time, COP28 is discussing agriculture, food security, peace and health

COP28: Michael Izza, CEO of ICAEW, on businesses achieving climate targets

Integrating sustainability into the core fabric of businesses

Mapping tomorrow: The interplay of future skills and climate action

Navigating the intersection of climate action and technological innovation at COP28

International cooperation is key to confronting climate change

The future of our planet is on the global agenda more than ever

Crunch time: How climate change poses profound risks to our life

This summer has demonstrated the urgent need for climate change action – at every level of society

Shipping industry under increasing pressure to decarbonize

High costs and archaic, incompatible fleets render transition challenging

Unleashing the power of carbon dioxide removal

Opportunities and challenges on the path to net zero in the UAE, GCC and MENA

Navigating the intersection of climate change and financial markets

Devising mechanisms to transfer energy from surplus to deficit countries

Empowering students to transform the environment: Ethical journeys with impact 

Participating in expeditions fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills