
The double-edged sword of AI in the job market: A global perspective

Ill-considered cost-cutting measures could inadvertently lead to diminished sales volumes

The psychology of feedback and performance appraisals

Employees seek feedback to gage their performance, understand expectations, and validate their contributions

The return of luxury travel 

Wellness and exclusive experiences driving industry’s growth 

Opportunistic Credit – Special situations and distressed debt

An opportunistic credit investor creates attractive pricing, stronger structures, to mitigate downside risks

Enhancing customer experience with AI: Beyond chatbots

AI-driven customer service holds the power to overhaul all facets of operations

Conflict resolution strategies for a harmonious workplace

Different emotions can lead to various interpretations

Navigating the intersection of climate change and financial markets

Devising mechanisms to transfer energy from surplus to deficit countries

Investing in minds: The imperative for quality education amid challenges  

Each year, a quarter billion children worldwide are denied access to education

Empowering students to transform the environment: Ethical journeys with impact 

Participating in expeditions fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills

Impact of design on learning experiences 

Student-centric environments can influence performance 

Is an MBA degree still the key to success in an AI-driven world? 

Top MBA programs are offering courses and specializations in data analytics, AI

Navigating the impact of social media on kids’ mental health and well-being 

Middle East home to some of the highest engagement with apps  

The convergence of biosciences and computation

 The Global Effort in Accelerating the 5th Industrial Revolution

How businesses balance the benefits and potential pitfalls of AI

86% of CEOs view AI as an essential aspect of their operations

Open banking: A window of opportunity to drive change

Open Banking in the Arab World can strengthen economies and enhance the regional business ecosystem

 Financial skills to thrive in an evolving financial landscape

It is no longer uncommon to see teenagers discussing the plight of the global economy